Dumb question: new router with same SSID and password?

I am trying to solve a few problems by upgrading my old ORBI router to a new EERO Pro 6E, courtesy of a nice Black Friday sale and a generous return policy.

It would be for easier to set the SSID and password of the new router to match the old, so I don’t have to update every device in the house.

Am I making a mistake? I don’t think there is any “legacy” data within that info on each device that I want wiped out, but I thought I would ask here first!

Iirc, Eero’s instructions suggest doing exactly that when replacing a router with theirs.

Pretty sure the only risk is that someone/something had access to your old network and now has access to your new network.

I would consider changing the SSID and password for the old router before you give it away or whatever. If there’s a way to reset to factory, that might be even better, but I don’t know routers well enough to know if it would then still be able to apply any intervening patches or firmware updates (which are kind of important for routers these days)


Very appreciated. I’ll try it with the new and if it solves at least one problem, factory reset before giving away the old!

I did exactly this when moving from the Apple Extreme to Eero.

It worked like a charm.

Of course on your old router you should do a factory reset when you’re comfortable you’re across with no issues.

The only issue I’ve come across doing this is where I have set static IP’s for devices and the new router has a different subnet to the old router/network.

When I fairly recently had to change my router, I ended up struggling to access my NAS for a short period, until I realised what the issue was.

If everything is using DHCP, then you should have no issues - but there may be a delay for new devices to be fully accessible until they get a new IP address from the router (I think it’s DHCP timeout on the router and by default seems to be 24 hours on the routers I’ve used).

In this instance (refresh of DHCP/persistence of IP Addressing), reconnection to WiFi or Ethernet (i.e. as the new router powers up and offers connection) may cause renegotiation of DHCP, if not power cycling of the device will.

The weirdest thing may be that if the same Subnet is used, there may be a conflict where two different devices believe they have been leased the same IP Address, in that instance it’s likely that neither will work.