Eating humble pie - OmniFocus3

A few weeks ago I pronounced my undoing love for Todoist on the forum. This week I took the plunge and invested in the Pro version of OmniFocus 3…and I’m in love. The ability to tag things to show up in the Today view without assigning a due date is a game changer. I love the implementation of tags and the customised perspectives allow me to generate some fantastic views.

The user interface is pleasant and for the most part intuitive, though I struggle with a few basic tasks sometimes without some help from Google. The hooks into ios are brilliant.

I can’t wait for the Mac version.


Honestly, anything is better than Todoist. Todoist has gone stagnant and boring compared to all the other to do apps out their.


I’ve kept two separate todo apps. I use OmniFocus for personal projects and work that doesn’t need to be shared with others. Then I use Asana when I need to do some collaboration with others on a project. As long as I clearly mark the borders, I know where everything is.


Agenda’s Today and On the Agenda views provide this functionality, and is very handy.
Might be worth a look for those who find OF overly complex (such as myself), or who prefer a more note-centric paradigm.


Agree, OF3 is great!

The only additional task manager I use is Due, as it is great at annoying me at just the right time for those “hard landscape” tasks like taking out the trash every second Sunday evening.


Same here; OmniFocus + Due.

Technically I also use the built-in reminders app, but I’m not really using it as a task manager. I use it for stuff like grocery lists.

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I was thinking of doing this to separate work tasks and personal tasks but for at least now it’s not needed. Would much rather have one app to organize and look through.

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I use Apple’s reminders for lists of things I want to do that I would normally scribble down on the back of an envelope - things like taking the washing out of the dryer, remembering to change the sheets etc. I like the way Reminders integrates into BusyCal so I can see my todo list in the morning without having to open another app. At the moment, I’m saving OmniFocus for more things that need a bit more thought.

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I am really loving OF3 on the iPad. Tags are still a lot like Contextx but with more flexibility. When they were contexts, I never used them, but now that they are Tags, I use them more.
I still have figured what are the best custom perspectives for me; I tend to stick to the stock ones that OF3 gives you.

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My favourite custom perspective uses my tag for my boss - so if we’re ever in a meeting, I can hit that tag and it brings up all the things I need to check with her about across all the different projects I have.