Elgato Key Lights - is there a way to automatically switch them off when my Mac sleeps

I’ve got 3 lovely elgato key lights which I use in teams and zoom calls. They’re great.

I can turn them off and on in 3 ways - using my stream deck, using the elgato control centre app from my Mac menubar, and using the elgato control centre app on iOS.

But, here’s a scenario that happens almost everyday: I end my call, I walk away from my Mac, I forget to manually switch off the lights, the Mac goes to sleep, and the lights are still on.

The frustrating thing: I have to login to my Mac to turn them off, or worse, my wife sees they’ve been left on, can’t log in to the Mac, so pulls the plugs out of the sockets.

Long lead up to an easy question: does anyone know how I can get them to switch off automatically?

Work out a way to script them, then use something like the keyboard maestro idle trigger with a slightly shorter time than your Mac’s sleep time.

Edit: turns out KM has a sleep trigger that defers sleep up to 30 seconds while it runs the macro. Even more convenient.

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I used to have that set up. I can’t remember the exact reason but it turned out to be annoying in some way.

I used a python script that I would call via Keyboard Maestro on sleep.

This one: GitHub - frenck/python-elgato: Asynchronous Python client for Elgato Key Lights.

I still use it but just have it setup as a keyboard shortcut to toggle on/off.