Elgato Stream Deck MK.2

I am curious to know what you think of the Elgato Stream Deck MK.2

  • I don’t have it but I would like it
  • I have it and I love it!
  • I have it but I don’t use it
  • I have it but I don’t use it much

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There’s a middle ground missing, I have one and I like it and use it daily but not sure I’d go as far as love it.
But that’s the option I picked as it’s closet.

I love my XL and was fortunate to get it for only $100, but I’m sure I would also like a MK.2. Very similar, other than size.

I love it more since I got BetterTouchTool.

For those who are interested in Stream Deck but still have doubts, I recommend trying to install the Stream Deck Mobile app.

It is now also compatible with the iPad and offers the possibility to configure 6 buttons for free.
I’ve been playing with it for a couple of days now.


Mind if I ask how you’re using it and using the two together?

Edit: Disregard, I figured it out. I’ve always thought of Stream Deck as a tool for Podcasters but am starting to see how I might find it useful.

The gist of it is there are tons of actions built in and you can easily script them together natively in BTT, along with complex behaviours for the buttons themselves (like appearing only under certain conditions).

With BTT there are more capabilities than I will ever use. With native Stream Deck, I found brick walls very quickly.

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