Email App Recommendation

Hi everyone. I am looking at potential switching from Inbox by Gmail to another email service. I had been strongly considering Newton so hearing it is shutting down is disappointing. I became frustrated with Inbox because of how long iPhone X development took and that frustration was compounded when they removed the ability to forward to Inbox earlier this year.

There are 2 no-questions-asked requirements—the service/app MUST have a well designed iOS app, must have a web view. If it doesn’t have a web app it must have both a Mac and Windows app.

Features wise it must also include: snoozing, marking a message as done, auto-bundling, pinning, good search, multiple email accounts viewing, notifications, and a good view for trips which also should have their own view. It would also be great if there was X-Callback support for iOS.

Additional nice-to-haves-include reminders, bulk marking as done, “Today”/“Yesterday” segregation, and an Apple Watch App.

An easy way to add something to OmniFocus and/or Things 3 would also be nice. I’m still deciding whether to use OmniFocus or Things 3 so integration with an email app could be the thing that drives me one way or the other.

If it fits all those needs, I’d be willing to pay $50 per year but would prefer less than $20. I am not interested in things like Sanebox because having to access it through the Gmail app/web-view is not interesting to me.

TLDR I’m looking for an app similar to Inbox but with a more clear support/development path and regular updates. is a good place to start.

I booted up Spark (macOS) after hearing about Newton’s demise, and I’m loving it so far.

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I like Spark and would like to use it. However, it is not currently possible to reverse the order of conversation threads. I much prefer to have the latest reply on top, rather than at the bottom, which is the default in Gmail. Interestingly, both Apple Mail and Airmail allow you to re-order the threads but Spark does not.