Error: "iCloud Drive has stopped responding" screen only on Safari

Hello, and a Happy New Year!
I have recently developed the following error when accessing iCloud from Safari on my Mac mini.

I can access iCloud from my phone and iPad, and all my files are there. I couldn’t find anything useful on the Apple support site or via google. Has anyone else had this problem?

Thank you.

Given that you’re accessing from a browser, I would delete all iCloud-related cookies, logins, etc., from Safari preferences and try again.

@tf2 Thank you for the advice. Unfortunately I am still getting the same error. iCloud Drive works fine from iOS and iPadOS. It’s just Safari on my MacBook. I tried a just installed Firefox on my MacBook and the same error comes up. Strange.

Hm. A VPN would affect all browsers on the same machine.

Do you have any privacy-type plugins running in Safari? If so, maybe disable or remove them.

If not, maybe delete Safari and reinstall?

I don’t have any VPN. Disabling my adblocker did not help. I did a nuke and pave a couple of days ago, but the problem occurred in my “old” install as well for a few days before my reinstall. I also haven’t switched on private relay either in my new install. My set up is pretty “virgin”.

Interestingly, when I click on the 3 individual documents as shown, they all open. It is only when I click on the shared Drive All Files that the error comes up. I get the same behaviour on my newly installed Firefox too.

From a practical perspective it is not interfering with anything - I only need to access iCloud Drive on iOS, my files are all on my hard drive. But, it worries me that there could be some problem with syncing that could let me down. (I have everything backed up 3-2-1).

@tf2 A happy ending. I spent some time with an Apple support person today. They did some diagnostics and there was an error in my iCloud Drive that was able to resolve by deleting some large folders. All is not working again.
Thank you for your input.
(Impressed with apple support - they called me back within 2 mins. I wish my bank was as responsive!)

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Great to hear!

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