Eve Energy Plug

hey MPU,

Does anyone have any feedback on the Eve Energy Plug?

Was getting Christmas lights ready, completely forgot that the iHome outlets I had, no longer work consistently with HomeKit.

Had an irritation with my outdoor Meross outlet, Home app kept saying “outlet added” but nothing in Home app or in the default room. I was able to get it to work by re-registering through the Meross app, but Home app still doesn’t see it.

I was about to buy about 3-4 Eve Energy Plugs but before doing that, I wanted to get some feedback if there is something better out there. Also, why are these plugs constantly out of stock or delayed with inventory (based on Amazon, Home Depot, etc)


I don’t know if there is something better, but i use the 1st gen. of the Eve energy plugs. Own three of them, no problems.

I have one. It works OK, but was pretty expensive, so I went for cheaper/simpler IKEA plugs after that.

(I don’t need to measure energy with them; I only use them for switching devices on/off)

One of the best plugs I’ve used. It’s connected to my living room entertainment center and have been working reliably for at least 2 years now.

I had a couple They were very good, but didn’t play with Home Assistant, so have been replaced.

Have around 10 in our flat and use them every day. They work really most of the time so far. Only had to unplug them once to make them responsive in Home app again - I haven’t upgraded to Matter yet as i don’t have an HomePod or up to date Apple TV.

I would recommend them if you get them at sales from Amazon e.g.