Evernote..Anyone Still Using It?

Took a quick look. This certainly deserves more in-depth attention, but at a glance, it looks like this is (and will develop further to be) a decent Evernote alternative. Pro tier seems reasonably priced.
Sharesheet clipper currently needs a bit more attention— either captures just a link to the page, or captures selected text without a link to source, and tags can’t be added at point of capture, but this is the kind of thing I’m sure will be refined (particularly bearing in mind that Nimbus offers a web clipper as a standalone Chrome extension).

It’s not quite for me, though. I’m a “legacy” Evernote user (meaning I continue using Evernote more because I’ve been using it so long and I’ve got so much in it, rather than whether it’s the best app for my needs), and I don’t use Evernote for note-taking anymore. My note-taking needs are covered, and I store my reference documents elsewhere, with local deep-links to connect them if necessary— currently, it looks like Nimbus’s note/folder urls open in Safari, rather than directly in the app?

All-in-all, Nimbus looks like one to keep an eye. Best wishes for continued development!

Sorry, but I will be honest here:

Unfortunately, Safari is quite behind compared to Chromium-based browsers. Developing and supporting is very limited there. Many developers stopped creating extensions for Safari and for Firefox. Just compare how many new extensions in Chrome Webstore and anywhere else.

Firefox - has different issues, the way how they deal with developers is a headache and many just don’t want to deal with them. That’s why Chrome-based browsers have insane number of new extensions and developers compared to any other browser.

Web clipper will have major updates soon. We were concentrated on Nimbus Capture. We will release desktop version of Nimbus Capture in 1-2 months for Windows and Mac.

Next week, we will release large update related to Evernote import of large backup files.
Our goal is to win a hart of Evernote legacy users. Please post all your concerns that you have switching to other solutions. I will transfer it to our Product Team.

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Especially since Safari has integrated support for WebExtensions with version 14.

Chrome is quite behind Safari when it comes to battery life. I suspect not supporting Safari may be a dealbreaker for a lot of Mac power users.


I still use it, mainly because I am stubborn and don’t want to change. I am hoping that the changes they are making will improve it. My big wish for Evernote is that they do a couple of things:

  • Add more classifications besides just notebook stacks, notebooks, notes and tags. For example, OneNote has Notebooks, sections, pages, subpages and tags - at least one more way to classify information.

  • Eliminate the cap on notebooks.

  • Make the ability to e-mail a note easier.

  • Improve the ability to add something like an Excel Table.

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Any app that isn’t compatible with Safari doesn’t get a second glance in my case.
Especially now that there’s WebExtension support.


It is so hard to fathom how Evernote lost the plot while miles ahead.

I will be phasing out because of the ongoing limitations.

@Pavel_from_Nimbus thanks for joining the MPU community. I have only recently discovered Nimbus from a review from Keep Productive and I think Nimbus can capture a much larger market share of this market with development of a Safari extension and a iPAD app.

Being that this application has been around for a decade flying at least under my radar bodes well for any marketing campaign to increase user awareness.

I think this is a great community to recruit beta testers for Nimbus. Yes I am volunteering.

I have tested the importation of .ENEX outputted notes from Evernote and this is working for my notes whereas Notion has failed miserably in this aspect.

Looking forward to Nimbus’s upgrades. It would be interesting to view an update to your Trello roadmap.

Previous Nimbus Roadmap

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I want to also stress that we have a completely new type of editor, which has a few companies. You can check on our website some motion graphics.

We have a private FB group for early adopters who spend extra time helping us finding problems and posing suggestions. I don’t know if it is appropriate to post external links, but you can email and I will reply with the link ipavel@nimbusweb.co

iPad version was released a week ago. It was the first build, could be some small glitches - please let us know if you find anything.

Noted regarding Safari. I will check with our team if it is possible to migrate our extension without redo everything.

Thanks again for all your comments. I’m glad that one of our users brought attention to this thread!


When it works. The web clipper was often broken and took a long time in between fixes.

I want to ditch EN as fast as possible. I am using scrievener and apple notes for my notes. Evernote was like a teeange love. Nice, but not forever.

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Joplin is amazing. It’s open source, works on MacOS/iOS ( at least ) , supports markdown, has a Webclipper, you can attach documents, include inline images in you notes, has folders, has tags.

Some things that might be deal breakers for those coming from Evernote

  • No Web interface, you have to install the app
  • Not indexable by Spotlight. You can search inside the app, but not from Spotlight.
  • No OCR.

I decided that I’m ok with those missing features , though I have bugged the developers about making it search able via Spotlight.

To solve the OCR issue, I’ve moved my digital documents in iCloud drive, where they are searchable by spotlight. So that means if I want to find a document, I search spotlight, if I want to find a note, I search in Joplin.

Joplin is nice including the webclipper - but the only way to access it via web is to run its server - and that is only possible via Docker, which is a bit involved if that’s the only Docker app you run.

I use Evernote not as my primary respository but rather for its webclipper, which remains second to note. Moreover Evernote has an API and Zapier integration so I can use it with whatever other app I wish. For example I have an integration set up so that I can initiate an Evernote web clipping via its Chrome extension; then a link to that web clip goes into a specified location in monday.com (or any other web app I wish that integrates with Zapier or has an API).

You can sync devices multiple ways, Webdav being the way that I chose. I use the Webdav server on my Synology with I installed with a single click and the hard part was port forwarding to make it Internet accessible. you can self host it pretty much any way you want, if you have a preferred cloud computing provider , you can host it there. You can also use a webdav hosting service.

As you can tell, it gives you a ton of control over your data, and a huge number of ways to sync it. I’ve only touched on a few.

Are you referring to Joplin?

I believe you can use WebDav to sync an entire database, but if you want to be able to share a specific note via URL that requires the Docker-based Joplin server, correct? If that can be done via WebDav then I would be interested to learn how.