Evernote Replacement for Recipe Book management?

Continuing the discussion from For people with ADD/ADHD, how do you make task management software work for you?:
Thank you so much for posting this @jmayhugh
It got me thinking about my own ADHD struggles and my recipe management. Recipe Book recommendations? I use Evernote for a digital brain and for printed lists including printed recipes. I tried the iPad but it always went to sleep and was fiddly. Now I use a three ring binder and a hole punch. What are the alternatives to archive this workflow? The only thing I have found is Word to make recipe templates and save them on my hard drive. I tried Evernote but it does not play nice with others and is terrible for printing recipes. I have moved to Drafts/Fantastical/Todoist workflow. I also use Evernote for lists that I print and put on a clipboard like packing lists. I’m also publishing things to my website and looking for a workflow to copy and paste from. Currently using Google Docs for the editing/ sharing features but then I have to save it to Word to save it to my hard drive. Google Drive would get filled up quickly because I have 3000+ notes in Evernote. Thanks for getting the mind working the this morning!

Thanks I was thinking of trying DevonThink for that but it seems pricey, is it worth the cost? I have tried Paprika in the past. It never stuck because I use a lot of my own recipes. And it was tricky to import them. They probably have that fixed by now. I will look at Mela

#craft would be a great option for this as you can customize the look of the page and printing it turns out very nicely.

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+1 for Paprika. It’s so good at capturing recipes and has cool power features like menu planning, pantry tracking and in-recipe timers. I also like that it allows for per-step photos and has a good formatting options. It’s also very easy to export out of Paprika.

I hadn’t heard of Mela before this thread…I will have to check it out.

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