Due to sporadic unreliability with the watch HR sensors, we’re looking for a dedicated heart rate monitor that interfaces with either the watch or iOS. Hoping for a chest strap style or something similar.
Does anybody here use something like that? Looking for something that ties in to the Apple ecosystem. The last post I could find on here was from 2019, and it was suggesting an iMore article that recommended the Wahoo Tickr X. It looks like there were a number of quality issues with the Wahoo products, so I am wondering if there is maybe a better current option?
I use a Garmin (watch, cycling) since I left the Apple Watch several years ago. Apple would use bluetooth to connect and would sync to health app. I also use Zwift, etc. You can google dcrainmaker who reviews all the heart rate monitors. If I remember correctly, he settles on Garmin and Polar.
When I row indoors, I use a Garmin chest strap paired to my Apple Watch via bluetooth. When I row, the HR readings from the watch are super sporadic due to gripping the bar. The chest strap fixes this and the Watch will use the chest strap’s HR data.
But I think as long as it has Bluetooth you are good to go. So their less expensive one (the Dual I believe it is) should also work.
Most of the time when I put on the strap it connects to the watch automatically. However I always pop into Bluetooth settings on the watch to verify. If it hasn’t connected automatically I just tap on it in Bluetooth settings and it connects immediately.
Be aware that the Garmin strap can retain odor even after washing. It’s a known problem. The newest one released a few weeks ago probably does not have that issue.
I’ve been using the MyZone MZ-3 for 6+ years now, independent app, and also integrates (Bluetooth) with your phone to dump data into Health. It also supports ANT+. Just one more option for you to consider.
I’ve been using the Polar H10 chest strap for a while now, and it’s been rock solid with my Apple Watch and iPhone. It syncs easily with the Apple Health app and gives really accurate readings.