Fantastical 2 on Mac - how to include weather?

I have Fantastical ver 2 on my Mac. Is there any service that offers subscribing to .ics for local weather? Weather Underground is no more from what I understand. Thoughts or ideas on how to get weather to show on any day in my calendar automatically in Fantastical 2?

Thanks in advance!

Try this:

Replace 37129 with your zip code. I just verified this still works by adding it to my google calendar. 2 week forecast is very close to that shown by Dark Sky on my phone

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Ok, thanks. For some reason I though Weather Underground server was defunked / taken down.

They were purchased by the weather channel a few years ago, but they are still around. I still check their wundermap from time to time.

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Strange. I change the zip code to my zip code but nothing is showing up in Fantastical for that calendar data. The calendar is selected to be shown in Fantastical but no weather information shows in the calendar. I’ve tried restarted the app. Same result. Thoughts?

You’re right. Weather appears in the Mac Calendar, but not in Fantastical (Mac or IOS). I created it as a local subscription to eliminate Google Calendar as a factor, but no joy. At the moment, I’m stumped.

Ok, MPU team. Here’s a chance for you to impress us. :smile:

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