Fantastical Feature Request - Does it Exist Elsewhere?

I just submitted the following feature request to Fantastical. Then I realized there’s no way I’m the first person to want this, so there are probably apps that already have it. Any recommendations? (Though, I can’t imagine leaving Fantastical.)

I do a mild version of “block scheduling” for some (but not all) tasks on my to-do list.

I’d like a “holding tank” for events that I can pull up as a sidebar and drag to a particular calendar location.

During my morning planning, I’d like to create events, including title, duration, notes, etc. (most/all of the same stuff as a normal event) but WITHOUT a date or time.

Then I could view these in a list on a sidebar and drag them in to my day- or week-view calendar where I think I can work them or fit them in. They would appear as events, not tasks, on my calendar - though it would be nice if they defaulted to “private.”

Next-level super bonus feature:
Let me drag any existing event from my calendar into this holding tank. It removes the date and time, replacing it with an equivalent duration.

Thanks for reading!

I usually create an all day event and it appears at the top of the day’s list of events. When I want to schedule it, I’ll visit day view or week view and drag the all day event into a time slot like 1 pm. Or I can just edit the event info by unchecking All Day and then assign a time.

If I’m not done, I’ll just drag that event to tomorrow’s all day section.


Nice workaround! 20chars

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