Favorite email client?

I think those developers would try to convince the rocks to go subscription :slight_smile:


What are you trying to say?

No email client is perfect, nor do any email clients have every single feature that you could possibly think of.

Add-ons are there to add extra functionality to the core application. That’s their purpose. It’s a simple click of a button to add one.

Postbox is no longer based on Thunderbird or powered by Gecko.

Is Newton Mail an option?

How about trying the Apple Mail app in macOS Big Sur?

When I am considering an application that handles sensitive information, being free is a red flag for me and I have to make a proper diligence before I use it.

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What if it is open-source?

Open-source is not always free. Good (security) applications are usually paid and open-source.

Excluding this instance?

Has anyone picked up Eudora’s code to roll their own?

So I tried Postbox again and it was a short test. Smart Folders can be created only as subfolders of a specific mail account and you can’t move it to create a custom list of smart folders.

I think I’m going to stick with Apple Mail on my iMac, so that I can continue to use SpamSieve and import my email into DEVONthink. And use Postbox on my MacBook Pro (which is having a resource issue with Apple Mail). I’m debating if I want to stick with Apple Mail on my iOS devices or switch to something else, what that is, I don’t know just yet. :grinning:

A few people are blogging Big Sur’s Mail experience. Doesn’t seem bad.

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I thought Postbox doesn’t support SpamSieve?

Stick with Apple Mail. It’s great on iOS, not to mention that it’s also great on macOS Big Sur, so you might just want to wait until macOS Big Sur is released and switch back to the macOS version of Apple Mail (or you could install the macOS Big Sur public beta).

Also, I just found this… :thinking:

use Apple Mail in the background to run SpamSieve but use Thunderbird to read your mail and to train SpamSieve (via the drone setup’s special training mailboxes).

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It doesn’t, which is why I’ll use Apple Mail on my iMac, and let it & SpamSieve run there. I can also set up training folders in Postbox, and SpamSieve running on the iMac will learn to filter new messages.

I’ve also just rebuilt all of my mailboxes on my MacBook Pro in Apple Mail, and it seems to be happy again, with Mail now using 17% of my processing vs 120%!

Switch back to Apple Mail? :wink:

Yeah, that’s the plan at the moment, though I do like Postbox. :slight_smile:

Awesome! :partying_face:

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There is a plug-in for Mail.app called “Gmailinator”.
It enables Gmail Shortcuts including move/label with autocomplete!

The things is, that one has to check which fork is the most current one. If somebody is interested, I can check which one I’m using when I’m back on my mac.

I spent many hours searching for the perfect Mac app and I landed on the Fastmail web experience. Its fast, reliable and with keyboard shortcuts its a breeze.

For me, desktop client just slows me down. What are you guys using the desktop client for?

Works offline or with flaky Internet; custom actions; send later; easy integration to OmniFocus; all accounts in one place; macros in Keyboard Maestro and BetterTouchTool. Using Fastmail as my main backend too, under Airmail.

I’d appreciate that.

Related: does anyone know if there’s a way to sort forks by date of most recent commit?

FMail is a nice wrapper around Fastmail’s website. And it’s free.
