Favourite Home Gadget?

MacSparky is definitely an enabler :laughing::laughing:

I had to visit IKEA for some other items anyway and grabbed a bunch of smart plugs and controls, bulbs for bedside lamps, a Symfonisk and two smart blinds. It was not a cheap trip - but cheaper than the other choices!

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Miele washing machine that notifies me when it’s done - wherever I am in the world. :slight_smile:


Some of mine have already been posted here but these are my choices.

Instant Pot, get the largest one, and freze the extras for fast food
Pro Rice Cooker We havea Zojirushi one similar to this Rice Cooker that we’ve been using 4-5 times a week for over 15 years. If/when it dies I’m buying another as close to it as I can get and definitely same brand.

Joule Sous Vide plus a cooler with a hole cut in the lid I like the Joule best for the wifi and abilty to check on the cook when away from home. Joule has a much better accuracy too. This is the model I have although I got it on Amazon prime day fo rhe cost of the less expensive version. Joule Sous Vide

We added a standard chest cooler with a hole drilled into the top that just fits the machine. That means it uses even less energy and I don’t have to worry about refilling the water over the cook. Especially useful for long 24 hour or more cooking procedures. That and a decent supply if Ziplock Freezer bags has us set for lots of tasty dinners.

desk lamp with both power and usb charging ports. I have no clue where I got mine but I use it all the time for quick top-up on various devices.

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Espresso machine the rest is optional :hugs:


So far in my redecorating I’ve installed the IKEA Fyrtur blinds and love them!


To convince you of the Souse Vide necessity, this is Sous Vide venison backstrap from Not George plus fresh garden peas. Served with nexto door neighbor’s wine and a sald from our own garden too.


We have LG washer and dryer that does the same thing. Very nice.


We have The Sonos Soundbar in our living room and master bedroom I would love to get the ARC but my wife isn’t on board with it yet.

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Nutrabullet. Perfect for a healthy “quick lunch” or to fuel me through the day.

My favorite recipe:
Frozen Banana
Frozen Blueberries
Frozen Avocado (yes, it makes it creamy! Just use them within 30 days of freezing)
Spinach Leaves
Almond Butter
Greek Yogurt
VEGA chocolate protein mix

Sometimes I add fresh ginger. If I’m “dragging”, I’ll add some
leftover morning coffee.

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Well, we like our Nespresso coffee maker. We also have a milk frother, which is nice if you like warm milk in your coffee.


As far as all these sous vide machines, instant pots, toaster ovens, and other unitasking equipment etc. all I have to say is whatever! Y’all don’t know how to cook! Rose, save your money and get yourself a good cast iron Dutch oven and be done!



We have a Roborock S5 robotic vacuum that’s been outstanding because with two young boys there is ALWAYS something like legos or child caused debris on the floor and the Roborock does a good job of soldiering on.

I’m going to bet that the next model we get will have a Lidar scanner, automatic emptying bin and other goodies. We don’t even use the mapping feature yet but we’ll certainly do that next time so that we can just target the vacuum to clean certain areas and know what obstacles to avoid

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My instant pot alike machine is also a rice cooker, a slow cooker, and a steamer. In fact I’m using it right now to slow cook! But, I did research plenty first. I’ll have to find a Dutch oven at some point.


A mid-size dutch oven
A 9-speed KitchenAid hand mixer if you don’t have room for a stand mixer
Not a gadget, but please binge-watch “Get Organized with the Home Edit” on Netflix before you start putting stuff away. Just sayin’. :laughing:


Have my LG OLED hooked up to the Sonos Soundbar - nice!


HI I used to Mix Lights from different manufacturers, but now my lighting is entirely Hue - far less hassle - wallet a bit smaller but they all work and light at the same temp etc - iconnecthue is a great app to add as an addition :slight_smile:
This site is worth a read now you appera to be in such a great country :

Love my breville toaster oven as well! Seriously a toaster oven is an absolute game changer and miles better than a toaster.

How do you clean the inside of the glass window? I’ve noticed that it gets dirty fairly quickly

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For glass windows and smooth countertops we use a razor blade scraper. If it get really baked on, oven cleaner works well but be careful of overspray. I use an induction cooktop so nothing gets cooked onto the surface.

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I endorse the previous recommendations for a stand mixer, sous vide machine, and an Instant Pot. However, I have to say my most used piece of kitchen gear during the pandemic has been my Emile Henry Bread Loaf Baker. I’m doing a loaf or two of sourdough a week in that thing.

Excellent choice, spectacularly hard to find at the moment