I just round-tripped a Curio project (a bundle), and it worked okay. It appears as a folder on box.com, and on my phone. Downloaded from box.com as a .zip, unpacked, and Curio opened it fine. It does make me wonder about other attributes that might not be saved, such as tags, etc.
Hm. Just tagged a file with ‘Red’ in my Box folder, and it untagged it, so I guess extended attributes don’t play well.
My main use for Box is to sync .org files among by devices for Emacs org mode and Beorg. iCloud didn’t seem to do a good job, and I just don’t like having files stowed away in a weird ~/Library/Mobile\ Documents/com.etc.etc.etc. folder where I’m not sure if they are being backed up, etc.
After using Resilio Sync for a while, and having a few snafus with it, I’m trying SyncThing to sync (non-cloudy) folders between devices. It seems to be working well. Two caveats
there seems to be only an unofficial iOS client, Möbius Sync, but I just need between-computer sync.
No official package for Synology NAS’, but a Docker image is available (haven’t tried it yet).
I’ll have to look at NextCloud. It does look polished.
Syncthing doesn’t have iOS support, except through Mobius, which hasn’t had an update for 9 months.
As stated above, I’m using Syncthing, and also using it to copy files around from Box’s folder ~/Library/CloudStorage/Box-Box/org on my Macs to ~/org on my Manjaro box, but not loving it. It works, but seems fragile.
I’d also just like to put folders where I want them, but that’s a Box, Dropbox, iCloud, OneDrive, GoogleDrive, et al. thing.
I installed Nextcloud on my Synology NAS. So far so good. Sync is really fast. They have a lot of interesting apps that can be added for notes, kanban, etc.
While sync is fast, the apps (through a web browser) were a bit slow. I reduced the amount of logging to take care of that and things are running well. I might dedicate my dust-gathering Raspberry Pi to this task (why not, right?) [Procedure]. I don’t really want to run a service on my iMac Pro, though of course that is doable too [Procedure].
This procedure got me through most of it on the Synology. Marius’ website is the place to go for Synology setup procedures.