FileThis Support

Hi, I was wondering if anyone used the FileThis service for downloading bills, statements, etc? I have used the service for a while, but have had no luck reaching their support team over the past few weeks. There are no phone numbers on the FileThis website and I have tried all of the email addresses listed without any luck. I’m wondering if perhaps the service/company has gone (or is in the process of going) out of business? Does anyone else use the service, had any recent contact with the company, and/or any suggestions for contacting them?


I’ve used it for a long time with no issues. However, it is disturbing that you are unable to contact them.

Looks like they are still in business

I have tried all of the following email addresses that I found on the FileThis website, but haven’t had any luck with a response:,,,,, I did check my email settings to ensure responses were not going to the spam folder.

I would try calling the company, but can’t find a phone number anywhere on the website or through a google search.

It’s interesting that US Bank notes the agreement with FileThis. I don’t have an account at US Bank, but perhaps I can reach out to them to somehow find some FileThis contact information.

If anyone has ideas for reaching the FileThis support team, I would appreciate it. Thanks!

I found a profile for the company on
And an address on Google. But no phone numbers.

Thanks, @WayneG!

I reached out to the US Bank contact in the press release you shared a couple of days ago and he forwarded my note to the FileThis team. I received an email from the FileThis support team yesterday. They’re still alive and kicking…just extremely busy. The support team email indicated they are 6 to 8 weeks behind in terms of following up on support requests/issues. Hopefully they’ll get caught up soon since the lack of any response was concerning.

Thanks again for your help!

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