The goal is to FaceTime with my parents (who I had been planning to travel to visit for Thanksgiving) during dinner. We’ll see if we can actually make that timing work, being in different time zones and with variability in turkey cooking times.
Personally I’d go for Taskheat to help me organise this. My Thursday is also looking like a complicated list of interdependent tasks - but it’s just a Thursday here! Good luck with the turkey
OT: Graphviz is, IMO, more robust and complex than Mermaid. However it is easy to throw Mermaid into a markdown document when using an editor – such as Obsidian – that understands Mermaid.
However, even if there is no in-built Mermaid support – e.g., in DEVONthink on macOS – the markdown document can have this code at the front and the document will parse the Mermaid code correctly.
Despite the vagaries turkey cooking times across two separate time zones we managed to get everything synced up (though getting my turkey breast done in time was a close run thing). My parents and I were able to sit down and set up our iPads on the table and have Thanksgiving dinner “together” via FaceTime. While I would much rather have been there in person, not making the trip was the correct choice and I am grateful to our Apple technology for making a virtual Thanksgiving dinner possible.