Give Us Your Beta Questions and Experiences!

Another question: does the iCloud password manager finally manage 2FA codes?

I’m right there with you. I’d use MindNode a lot more if it had that sort of Pencil capability.


Does the new version of Messages in Big Sur break AppleScript compatibility? This is my big fear as key apps move to catalyst.

I’ve gone nuts also, iPhone 11 Pro, 11” 2018 iPad Pro, 12.9” 2017 iPad Pro and 2016 MacBook Pro.

All without a single issue so far, can’t believe how stable it has all been, battery life on everything is amazing. All apps working so far.

Awaits further trouble with the second release.

Loving springboard changes, now just one screen of apps.

The layout look and feel macOS 11 is far more appealing then I thought.

Love the double and triple tab back of iPhone to launch shortcuts.

  1. Are there many broken third-party apps on Big Sur?
  2. Any improvements on the user interface for password management on iCloud Keychain?
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Dropbox is broken for me.


Dropbox added a beta update that fixes it

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Not yet, but we want to look into it (if we implement it, it probably won’t be ready in autumn as other iOS 14 and macOS 11 changes will keep us very busy this summer)

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That is completely understandable. It would be helpful, and the research supports the value of this, to be able to use the Apple Pencil to create mind maps. I think this is a feature that would set the application apart from its competitors and is probably possible given the new feature sets in iOS 14. Thanks for the kind response.

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