Good Keyboard Maestro tutorial

Once more (make that umpteen times more) I want to have a go at Keyboard Maestro. From the multitude of tutorials out there can you recommend one?


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Screencasts Online is a good place to start. It is a paid site but there is a free trial.

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Yeah thanks. I actually have a Screencasts Online subscription but the Keyboard Maestro videos are updates and there doesn’t seem to be ‘from scratch’ tutorial.


I’ve gone the route of encountering a problem or a situation that I want to automate and then hit the KM manual to look for the specific actions that will get me to the finish line.

I also spent a weekend just scouring the KM Discourse looking for interesting threads with possible solutions.

Maybe start here?

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I learned a lot from this guy on YouTube, EZ Buttons.

He goes way beyond the basics too, so it’s fun to see someone who really knows how to work Keyboard Maestro’s magic. Don’t mind the weird sound in the backgrounds, the info is good.