Good Replacement for ScanSnap's included CardMinder software?

Is there a good replacement for CardMinder (that comes with the Fujitsu ScanSnap ix500 and prob. other models)?

I would like to find one that keeps the card image and lets one edit the scanned info in the proper data fields (side by side with the image) before exporting to a vCard, etc.

This begs the question: Are there any contact management systems that work with macOS and iOS that allow one to retain the card image?

CardMinder stopped working properly when I upgraded to Mojave.

Everything I’ve read about the new, Scansnap 64 bit software says it uninstalls CardMinder (and the rest of the 32 bit software) during installation.

I’ve gone through several pages of Google search, etc. and haven’t found anything.

What I like about it is that it sets up a sep. database (I’d like an even better one!) and keeps the card images yet makes it possible to scroll through the contacts and SEE the cards!

I must have a visual memory because actually seeing the card, the colors/font/design, and logo, etc. really helps me remember meeting the person, what we talked about, etc. and I add that to the notes field. Even without the notes, seeing the card helps me immensely.

Just looked at a few cards in CardMinder and immediately knew (w/o looking at the phone #, etc.), “Ah! I met this person in Dallas at a networking meeting, this person at the travel convention in Florida…” etc.

Using CardMinder version 5.3.60 (1001), if that matters.

Updating to Mojave ruined CardMinder’s ability to import cards properly – I think it “broke” ABBY, the OCR program, because it still imports the card; but does NOTHING regarding importing any info. Nothing in any of the data fields.

TIA for any help!


P.S. I have thought about Evernote. Not against it; just not sure it will work as well. Someone here may show me how to make it work better than CardMinder… Who knows?

I’ve never used CardMinder, but the new ScanSnap Home program does have some sort of card scanning built in. I just tried it with a business card I’ve got on my desk and it seems to work fair. Got everything off the card but the guy’s name! It allows export to vcard if you don’t want to store the cards within the program.

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Thank you!

I did not see any documentation on the replacement software, all I saw was that CardMinder would be replaced.

Will still put off installing the new software, but I can rest easier.

I’ll take some time to export the cards I have scanned and prepare for the deletion.

Thank you again!

— Tim