Grammarly Now Works With Hardware Keyboard on iPad

A while back, Grammarly released Grammarly Keyboard to make it possible to take advantage of Grammarly’s functionality in iPhone and iPad apps.

I thought it was a clever idea, but rarely used it in practice. Much of the iOS/iPadOS typing that I do is on an iPad with a Smart Keyboard connected and it wasn’t very convenient to switch to a software keyboard.

I just learned that the latest update to Grammarly Keyboard makes it possible to tap into this functionality while using a hardware keyboard on the Mac.

While editing text:

① Press the key with the globe :globe_with_meridians: icon (or equivalent)
② Select “Grammarly” from the list of keyboards
③ Tap “Check My Text”

I verified that this will work with both the free and paid versions of Grammarly.

Happy editing!


:scream: :heart:
Nice find!!

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Very cool. Grammarly’s one of the three keyboards I have active on my iOS devices alongside the default keyboard and Wordboard (for snippets). I note that the new update also has flicks for the onscreen keyboard? It’s very close to the default keyboard now— as far as I’ve thus far seen, it’s just missing a dedicated “undo” key key on the iPP11" layout, but other than that, I might just be comfortable enough to keep this active as my primary option…