Hash Mismatch Error

My husband’s MBP 16" 2019 (Ventura) has been plagued with the error. He’s been on with Apple many times and nothing fixes is, so I am trying to deduce what is wrong.

I started by comparing his MBP vs mine in Disk Utility. His appears to have more “junk” in the SSD area than mine, so I am wondering if something there is an issue. Since it is his computer, not mine, I am way more careful doing anything on his.

Advice needed. What is my next step?’

Error message:

My computer

And his:

I had the same computer with the same error message. It coincided with a hardware failure (RAM - frequent crashes) but I’m not sure if there was a causal relationship between the two.

If that computer hasn’t been backed up, do that first and as soon as possible. After that, I’d try a complete drive wipe and reinstall of the OS.

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I had the same computer and after sending it to Apple, they put in a brand new logic board. It was, admittedly, crashing all the time for different reasons than those you mentioned. I ended up selling it back to Apple and getting an M1 16” MBP. With 32gb of Ram and 2TB of memory it is probably the last computer I’ll ever need (famous last words.) Bottom line: your husband’s MBP may only get fixed with new hardware. Good luck!