It seems like I’ve recently had to restart my M1 Mac mini frequently. The problem often is due to an app (not a particular app) crashing, not fixed by force quitting the app. Occasionally, it is a system crash. I have plenty of empty disk space and 16GB of memory, and no memory hogs. I just ran First Aid on my boot disk and that was OK. Today I had Jump Desktop crashing on start up. Force quitting and reinstalling the app didn’t fix it. So I restarted the computer a second time, and it finally is working. Has anyone else had this problem with frequent crashes?
What kind of app crash? Is it showing you a stack trace or is the app just hanging/freezing?
I might try a fresh install of macOS, but it could be a hardware problem. Apple support can run a remote diagnostic on your hardware.
Do you have any external drives? I had a problem like this which turned out to be an external drive that was dying, despite First Aid not finding any problems with it.
Could also be the logic board, potentially. I had to have that replaced on my M1 Mac mini. Fortunately I had AppleCare.
I may try the Apple support option first.
I’m not sure what stack trace is, but I am seeing hanging/freezing.
OK, I asked an AI about stack trace. I sent crash logs to Jump Desktop, so I assume this would include that information.
I have 4 external drives. They are not critical over a limited period of time, all being used for backups. I guess that I could disconnect one at a time.
I’ve always found that my device is less stable than other people’s devices. If you have to run an app to clean up menubar icons (ICE, Bartender etc) then I think you’re an app addict (ask me how I know…) and restarts being required regularly just comes with the territory.
I’m guilty as charged.