Hazel Help Needed moving files

Hi all,

I am trying to move older stuff from folder1 to folder 2 and do NOT want to move .zip files. Currently .zips are moving even after trying several things.

rule 1:

--------tried this

Kind is archive

--------tried this

Kind is archive
Continue matching rules

--------tried this

name ends with .zip
Continue matching rules

rule 2:

Date modified is not in the last 90 days
name does not start with - (dash) — (zips do not start with dash)
move to folder 2

Problem: the zip archives are getting moved to folder to anyway.

Question: is there a better way to set this up (continue matching rules) so that the zip archives stay in the first folder?

UPDATE: I tried the same rule set on a local drive - and it did work as expected. So the problem seems to be something on the large external drive. But it also has a large time machine backup so I have been told things like disk warrior or disk utility would take forever. Should I try? Or maybe I should try redoing spotlight? Any Suggestions?

Is there something else you are trying to do in between checking if the file is a zip and doing the move?

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Hi SteveH,

So sorry for the very slow response getting back to you. I did not see your post until now.

So to answer your question –no I am not doing anything in between checking if the file is a zip and doing the move,