Help me create Drafts Actions?

I’m trying to learn a little automation with my workflow. I have no experience with this and zero coding experience. I’ve read a bit on the Drafts site and have done some searching but I’m just not doing this right, though I’ve tried. I also searched for actions in the Drafts Directory but I’m not finding what I need.

I’m trying to create two simple templates that can be used on iOS and Mac. Below is what I want to do in two forms: simple and a little more complex.

I hate to ask but if anyone can help me with this, I’d appreciate it more than you know!


  1. Meeting Notes Template The content would include:
    Automatically insert current date (year-month-day)
    Topic: [ I fill in text ]
    Attendees: [ I fill in text ]
    Notes: [ I add my notes as bullet points ]

Action Steps:
[x] [ I fill in text ]

Once created in drafts, I would type in my notes as indicated above and then run an action to share the meeting note to DEVONTHINK (I already have an action to share to DT).

  1. Interview Notes
    The content would include:
    Automatically insert current date (year-month-day)
    Interviewee: [ I would add name ]
    Position: [ I would add position ]
    Employment Decision: [ Interviewee’s name automatically inserted from above ] and the following text is added [ is approved as [ name of position automatically inserted from above ] pending completion of background checks.

Interview Notes:

  • [ I fill in text ]

Once created in drafts, I would type in my notes and then run an action to share it to DEVONTHINK (I already have an action to share to DT).


For the Meetings Notes Template above , ideally drafts would select action items and create a To-Do in Things 3 that looks like the attached example (but obviously with text inserted from the Draft meeting note)

I know this is a long shot but there are a lot of smart, experienced people on the forum so I’m hoping that someone can help me. Thanks in advance!

Perhaps, this will also help others on the forum.

I would suggest that to start with you use the Insert Text action step. You can even use multiple ones. The Prompt action will also allow you to ask for input. Of course, you could use scripting - but that requires more time to get to grips with!

With regards to parsing out the tasks, this is what I did for OmniFocus:

It would need to be modified for Things, but it’s a starting point!

The Drafts forum is also a great place to ask about all of this too.

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