Highlights from Safari (with url)


A very simple question. I have tried all kinds of different software but can’t seem to find one (except for Hypothes.is) that can do the following:
I’m on my iPhone and read a blogpost (or sinilar) in Safari. I highlight and share it to a [insert software] that grabs both the highlight AND the url. Not even Readwise can do this.

I thought it might be possible with Shortcuts, but since I only share a text and not the whole website, it doesn’t seem to be able to grab the url. Is it MacOs shortcuts that has the function of grabbing the url from the frontmost Safari tab? And if so, why not on ios?

I worked through this issue with Logseq which I use to capture thoughts and information throughout the day. The problem is at the iOS level. The share sheet doesn’t pass the URL of the page to the application, just the text, so there’s nothing any application can do.

To capture things on Logseq I’ve ended up sharing the page (as opposed to specific text) first to Logseq, which transfers the URL, then in an indented block/bullet point underneath, I share each the ‘highlights’ from the page one by one. Works well if a little more work. Presumably other applications could support a similar process.

You know what! I’m shocked, but I just this minute realized that many of the applications I tried actually can do this. The thing you have to so is highlight some text and then share the whole webpage while the text is highlighted. So far it has worked with Things3, Drafts, Devonthink and Readwise. Didn’t work with Obsidian - I’m going to try Logseq as well. I also found a shortcut that could do this. Problem solved friends! :slight_smile:

Thanks for the follow up. Doesn’t seem to be working in Logseq (for me at least) but I’ll keep digging and possibly get in touch with the developers. (That said, my solution works pretty well for me as I often have multiple highlights from a page and I don’t necessarily want the URL repeated five or six times).

Can you share the shortcut?

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Roam highlighter (chrome extension)

Drafts can do this via the share sheet. Highlight the text, hit the share sheet and press the drafts icon.

You may want to change the share sheet template from within drafts. I do this, then run actions via URL scheme with Keyboard Maestro that pull the notes into iCloud Drive with a Drafts action. I then run a bash script to pull the files out of iCloud Drive and append them to my daily note.


Doesn’t work on ios unfortunately.

I found it from this Reddit thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/shortcuts/comments/ay0rdz/help_how_do_i_make_a_shortcut_that_grabs_selected/ejab60o/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3

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The Drafts app can do that for you from the share sheet:

## [Highlights from Safari (with url) - Software - MPU Talk](https://talk.macpowerusers.com/t/highlights-from-safari-with-url/29916)
   > A very simple question. I have tried all kinds of different software but can’t seem to find one (except for Hypothes.is) that can do the following:
I’m on my iPhone and read a blogpost (or sinilar) in Safari. I highlight and share it to a [insert software] that grabs both the highlight AND the url. Not even Readwise can do this.

I believe you can customize what’s captured and how it’s stored – I’ve set it up to store the info as markdown, including any highlighted text – and also whether you save it to a new or existing draft (note):

I believe you can highlight on Upnext iOS app , then it automatically shared with Readwise

I have not tried but Matter may be the same and shared with Obsidian via it’s plugin

Hi, I recommend you check out this software obsidian-highlighter (I’m the developer by the way), it’s currently a Safari extension on Mac OS that supports highlighting directly in web pages and automatically copies the content to the clipboard.

You can copy it anywhere to share it with others (and of course export it directly to Obsidian).

I know your question, the iOS version? The iOS version is still in development, it’s at the end of the process and will be ready to go live in about 1-2 weeks. If you’re interested you can download the Mac version first and I’ll come back here to talk to you when the iOS version is live.

PS: It’s currently in Chinese, but the English version will be released in January.

obsidian-highlighter - App Store

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This sounds good, I like to take a look at it.
Do you have a link, or the Name, to find it within Obsidian?

The APP link has been updated

obsidian-highlighter - App Store

How is this different from the roam highlighter chrome extension? Looks interesting especially if you have an iOS version under development…

Unfortunately the App-Store Site, as well as the from there linked developer website are in (I guess) Mandarin.
So, I can’t read it.
Maybe you should consider translating those sites, to become more interesting for a larger group of people?!

Based on this project, I also open source the code. The fee is because I have an annual fee for listing on the APP Store


Yes, I will translate it into English as soon as possible


Fantastic! Thanks. Just bought the mac version. Really looking forward to the IOS version!