This is my first post on the forum, because I found this a really interesting thread and wanted to contribute.
My setup is a 2017 macbook pro 15” attached to a 43” inch 4K LG monitor with an old full size apple keyboard, a regular mouse and a magic trackpad (2).
I know the monitor size is ridiculously big, but I’ve actually really grown to like it. I can use this monitor in 4k without scaling, which makes it possible open up to 4 windows that are all 21” big (and HD). It’s not for everyone, but can’t live without it anymore.
PS. The homescreen is not representative of what it’s usually like, but I just closed the more private applications and was left with this
I agree @climbingguy but consider it this way: you have two 27” monitors, both with a surface area of around 2000 cm^2, my monitor has a surface area of around 5000 cm^2, so it’s only a little bit more surface area, but without the lines (edges) in the middle. I still think it’s a little bit ridiculous when I look at it, but when I use it I find it an absolute blast.
Also, using a mouse and trackpad together is the best!
FWIW I use a 43” monitor also - a TCL ROKU TV. I get great value from the screen real estate, especially working on big financial models and keynote decks!
How does the resolution on this monitor compare to a 27" iMac? I’m seriously considering selling my iMac and my 13" MBP and getting a new 15" MBP with a nice monitor. This looks like a nice setup.
@dgm885 Well, it depends on what you want out of a screen. If you look for them the pixels are visible, the pixel density is comparable to a 21" HD display (43" is essentially 4x21"). But the ‘advantage’ of having a lower pixel density but a much larger screen is that you don’t have to scale the resolution, which means you can have a lot of stuff on the screen at the same time, without everything looking small. So on your iMac you’re probably seeing much less content, even though there are more pixels in your screen (assuming you have a 5k iMac).
If you prefer the ‘retina’ pixel density, you should definitely use a 5k iMac, but if you’re like me and multitasking and even color accuracy are more important than pixel density per se you can safely buy this monitor and be very happy with it.
I have this monitor too. How are you finding the connection with USB-C? I find that I often have to fiddle around with plugging the cable in and out to get my Macbook to display on the monitor.