HomeKit scenes not "lighting up"

Hi Friends! I have 2 Ecobee thermostats set up on 3 HomeKit scenes. I have several automations set up with these scenes and the run on schedule… When you manually tap the scene, and when the automation runs, it sets the temperatures correctly, but it does NOT light up the scene to indicate which one is running. This makes it a little confusing when you open the app. The picture below shows the “Home” scene temps clearly running after I clicked the button, but no scene is lit up. Any ideas?

If you deselect the “Climate” icon what do you see?

If I click the “Climate” icon, the scene I’ve defined is not shown, but when deselected, the scene is shown and lit up.

Unfortunately, no, that’s not it.

I have several HomeKit bridges for different manufacturers. While the scenes and devices show up in the Home app and widgets, the status (on/off) is rarely reflected, activating a scene from Apple’s Home is a bit hit or miss. For higher reliability, I’ve reverted to controlling devices mainly through their manufacturer’s apps.

However, if Ecobee is “Home Kit native” and don’t come with their own app, it kinda should work :slight_smile:

I fixed this…for now. I recently set up a Raspberry Pi with Homebridge so I tested some scenes which don’t include my Ecobees and they all light up fine. I started playing with the Ecobee scenes (adding and removing devices, etc). When I added and removed the thermostat from the scene I noticed that the default thermostat settings for the scene match what the thermostat is currently set to, which makes some sense. If I save the scene with the current thermostat settings, the scene lights up every time I press it! So, I manually set each thermostat to the desired settings for the given scene, recreated the scenes without adjust the temps, and BOOM it works! Now… we’ll see if it lasts :laughing: