How do I transfer music from iPhone 5s to iPhone SE2020

We have discovered digital music files transferred from LPs on a no longer active iPhone 5s which we would like to transfer over to our Music app on our Mac mini.

We also have an external drive where they will likely end up before we upgrade our Mac mini.

What are ways to make this transfer happen so that we can let go of our beloved 5s?

Thank you

Easiest would be transfer them using the Files app to a 3rd party storage provider. iCloud, Google, etc. Not fast, but easy. Assuming the 5s can run an iOS version that has the Files app.

I supposed you could hook it up the a Mac with a cable and see what options it gives you as well, but it’s been so long since I did that I don’t remember how that works for getting files.

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Where are the files? Are they in Apple Music? Can you see them in Files?

I would use SENUTI first to move the files to an external HD. This is what I use to gather music from old iPods, iPhones, iPads when it is required

Next option would be iMazing based on others suggestions.

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