How do you Alt Tab to the window of a running app

Understandable. I had to train myself to use CMD+H. It helps that I’ve changed my approach to be keyboard-first since adopting the Alfred app this past year. (Still like my trackpad and use it where it makes sense.)

So how do you use it in Keyboard Maestro

Cross Posted - Created a new topic but also posting it here

How do I set up Better Touch Tool to use a trackpad gesture to send a CMD H

  • As a former Windows user I would like to use the trackpad gesture to hide a window so that when I command tab the window for the app appears vs when I click the yellow dot the app switches and I then have to open the window.

Mac has it all. I get exactly what you are referring to. When you minimize (yellow button) an app in Mac, it goes into the dock. To switch back to it via task switcher (cmd+Tab or alt+Tab in windows terminology), hold the Option button before releasing the cmd or alt.

So basically, cmd+Tab to switch to the tab. Don’t release cmd. Press and hold option, release cmd.

Sorry I don’t really understand the question? If I get your gist, there is a group in Keyboard Maestro which you don’t have to create yourself called “Switcher Group”, you can turn them on or off though and they will move through apps and windows. I have windows switcher set to shift + tab. Now I can’t remember if that was how it was originally set or I decided on that key combo myself.