How Do You Organize Things 3?

I have been looking to start using Things 3 and I would love to know how you organize you tasks and how that organization works for you in the day-to-day usage of Things 3.

I’m not currently using Things. But here’s a page from the past. Fine app but I chose a different path (currated lists). I do miss being able to set tasks to automatically reschedule upon completion.

Throughout the day, I dump every to-do thoughts I have into Inbox and I made a point to sort them out first thing in the following morning.

Then, I only look at Today constantly and check off things as they are completed. The nice thing about Today is that it also list to dos by Projects, so as long as I filed them up nicely in the morning, they are all propoerly organized.

I’m not a busy guy, but I follow the general GTD workflow:

  1. Add stuff through the day - just add it no tagging or organizing
  2. At the end of the day or at the beginning of the next day, sort stuff out - give it a defer or due date, put it in a project or area
  3. Do what’s due today!

I recently read a blog post about using tags such as “Me”, “Work”, "Quick, “Errand”, “Needs focus” to filter Today during the day - say you have 20 mins before a meeting and you want to know what stuff for work can you do quickly?

I don’t use that because I rarely have meetings and most of my work is sequential (Can’t do Y until I do X), but it’s a good idea. I might use it for personal stuff!

Here’s the post:

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