How many Mac Apps are You Sporting? / What is your #AppNum?

It’s frankly a terrifyingly long list, but I recognize most of the apps and can see keeping most of them just in case.

Here’s just the 'A’s:

1Password 7
A Better Finder Attributes 6
A Better Finder Rename 11
Ableton Live 10
Activity Monitor
Adobe Lightroom 3
Adobe Lightroom Classic
Adobe Photoshop 2020
Adobe Photoshop CC 2019
Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 5
Affinity Photo
After Focus
Airfoil Satellite
AirPort Utility
Alfred 4
Any File Info
Any HEIC Converter
AnyMP4 Video 2 GIF Maker
App for Dropbox
App for Dropbox +
App Store
Apps on Sale
Art Text 3
Artwork Extractor
Asset Resizer
Audio Hijack
Audio MIDI Setup
Authy Bluetooth

The Go64 app, which hunts down and shows installed 32-bit apps, says it found 60 32-bit apps, but 1,083 “apps” total, but that total includes things like little registration utilities for old Adobe apps and uninstallers and printer utilities.

Image on 2020-07-20 11.32.31 AM

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It would be nice if Apple made a 32-bit emulator as I miss my favorite outliner “Tree” I think it is the only outliner that did outlines in a horizontal orientation

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72 for me. I mainly just use Devonthink, Curio and the stock apps

Only 749 after deleting the 32-bit apps when upgrading to Catalina and a few utilities. And that doesn’t include the handful of Windows-only apps on the Parallels VM. I ran Go64

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155 of them. But when I looked at them I could probably delete 50 of them and never miss them. So I won’t list this embarrassing list here. :smiley:

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So Jacgirl rises to top of pack with 749

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I’ve 111

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Not really. Only 128 actual apps (plus a few Windows-only stuff on Parallels VM). As Bowline noted, The Go64 app , which hunts down and shows installed 32-bit and 64-bit apps, says it found 749 “apps” total, but that total includes things like little registration utilities for old Adobe apps and uninstallers and printer utilities.

Oh I see, best to use the script Command Line submitted by @tjluoma

Having recently done a clean re-install, I consider my current set of installed apps to be ‘minimal’.

I was curious to see what that number actually is, so I ran this command in Terminal:

find /Applications -maxdepth 2 -type d -iname '*.app' -print | wc -l

Or similar results from CleanMyMac

So disqualified @JaxGirl retains @bowline still front runner

I am doing the difficult task of reducing my apps going towards a Minimalist lifestyle and it is very difficult mindset to adopt. A bad case of FOMO withdrawal

Today’s Execution is Yojimbo transferring functionality over to DevonThink

I realized that my new MacBookPro had a fresh install of Catalina when I purchased it and I decided to only install what I need. So I ended up with a mere 67 apps in /Applications. OK, not a record low here.

For the record, Catalina comes with 52 apps hidden away in /System/Applications. So everyone running Catalina needs to add 52 to their totals.

Mojave 10.14.6

CleanMyMac shows 56 apps total.
The terminal command shows 187.

Don’t know why the big difference.

Overall I’d say that there are a few of you that are certifiably NUTS!

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Nah. We just need to get a life.


My inner minimalist smiled when I ran this report. :slight_smile:


I was getting jealous with all of the 100+ apps, but hoped with a newer machine, I would be on the lowest end. Coming in at 69 apps right now. I am not sure whether to prune more or add…

Funny, I’m feeling jealous of the low numbers.

My Mac Mini is at 84 apps, so a couple lower than my MBP, which surprises me. I feel compelled to see what is different…but I really should resist that pointless task! TripMode is one, I suppose. Must resist.

My MBP is at 158 apps. I think it’s time to prune the list.

I wonder if we could get a cross listing to see the most commonly installed non-native apps.

I’m at 70 (searched TJLuoma’s style)

Here’s a Google Sheet that can do that. If people run TJ’s terminal command, then paste the results in a new column on the first tab (next to my MPB results), the chart should auto-update.

It should get more interesting than this.

Very Very cool! I dropped my data in. I’m still on Mojave so I’ll have the stock apps in there

Just thought of a slight flaw for this … I use home brew and those apps won’t show up. Granted they’re primarily commandline so maybe it’s less of a concern.