I’m finally trying to add Legacy Contacts to my Apple ID, but somehow Apple always choses the wrong email address to represent me. My primary email Apple ID email adres is X (a nickname), but I also have added alternatives Y (random recovery address) and Z (my full name). Apple always choses Y, unless I remove it. Then Apple choses X. Unfortunately I want it to be Z, without changing my primary email address to Z (I don’t want developers to see my full name in their TestFlight).
Is this possible? How?
Reason for asking: I only share Z with my family members, so when Apple choses Y their iPhone displays an (to them) unknown email address that does not match any entry in their address book (so it won’t display my name or profile picture).
When I add a legacy contact, the iMessage is sent using fullname@domain3.com, but if the legacy contact opens it, they will see anothernickname@domain2.com as the “person” they are now a legacy contact for (and since that’s not in their address book they only see that email address; not my full name and/or profile picture)
“A Legacy Contact is someone you choose to have access to the data in your Apple account after your death.”
If I understand correctly and nickname@domain1.com is the address displayed under Settings/iCloud on your iPhone, that is your iCloud account. It is the key to your data in iCloud and purchased music/movie/apps, etc.
Anything that you have set up in email doesn’t change that. I think what you are wanting to do is change the email address associated with your Apple ID.
That I have never done, but this should (hopefully) help. Good luck.
That might indeed be the only solution (I have changed it in the past), but I hope there are alternatives, as this would invade my privacy (share my full first & last name with developers all over the world via TestFlight, as well as the email address that I only share with family members).
When I create a Legacy Contact, that person gets an entry for me but NOT using my Apple ID email address but, in my case, the last additional email address listed under Reachable At.
I was hoping that would help me, but that’s apparently not the algorithm Apple uses.
After adding/removing a few email addresses I came to the conclusion that Apple sorts the email addresses on the username (the part before the “@” symbol) and picks the first.
This means I’m screwed, because the first letter of the nickname of my Apple ID is before the first letter of my first name in the alphabet. (And the address I definitely did not want to share starts with an “a”…)
But maybe I’m wrong about TestFlight Privacy? After reading the policy I’m starting to think I had the wrong impression: Apple does not share the primary email address of an Apple ID?
If that’s true, I can (safely) change my Apple ID’s primary email address to fullname@domain3.com after all.
Do we have perhaps have an Apple developer in the community who is willing to help me test this?
(I’m an Apple developer myself, but TestFlight is managed by my company; I don’t have access)