How to print from an iPad

I need to set up a way to print from my iPad at work.

The printer is on the network at my work address and all I have is an IP address.

Does anyone know how to set that up?

I’ve had good luck with Printer Pro:


I second Printer Pro.

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I recommend the “try before you buy” option for Readdle Printer Pro. I never got it working on my system.

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Do you know the brand and model of the work printer? A lot of printer vendors have iOS apps that can do this for you.

Hmm interesting. I don’t actually. I would have to check on Monday or Tuesday, when I have time. I will report back. Thanks a lot! This would save me a major hazzle of having to download all my iCloud files to a work PC :cold_sweat:

One other thing to try if necessary at the office. Use a browser to visit the IP address of the printer. Modern printers will often display a list of tools and other information.

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Sorry to revive this old topic.

I had success with Printer Pro by Readdle in the past, but they are no longer making this app. Is there a current one that people like to print from iPad/iPhone to a printer via IP address?


An App Store search using:

print from iPad

resulted in several apps, including some from printer manufacturers.

Good luck

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Thanks. There were quite a few. I was wondering if there were some that were regarded better/best among the group. Happy Holidays.

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I print often from both my iOS devices to a networked Brother and a Cannon printer without any add-on apps.


If the printer is AirPrint enabled and connected to the same network you can print directly from a Mac, iPad or iPhone.


Get an AirPrint printer, this solves it. Otherwise, usually the printer company makes software that might be available on iOS as well

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There are devices available that can be added to a wired network that allows wireless printing to Ethernet only printers. But for the price of some of these devices ($100 or less) you can also purchase a Brother laser printer like one I’ve owned for years.

On those rare occasions that I actually need a hardcopy, I print to it wirelessly from my iPhone, iPad or Mac. :+1:t3:

Best printer 2024


Thanks for all the replies. I want to print some teaching materials at work. We have HP network printers scattered around the department so I can’t buy any new ones. AirPrint with a Brother works great at home. The ones at work have IP address I can get, though.

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Could you create, then email, a PDF of your teaching materials from your iPad to your work computer and print from that?

How To Work With PDFs On An iPhone or iPad

If there’s a mac at work you can install Printopia on, as that will enable air print from your iPad.

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