I am a UK based lawyer who uses iA Writer as my primary text editor before exporting to Word to format and export (again). I am looking to streamline this workflow. A little bit inspired by Viticci’s custom IA/Obsidian workflows.
IA Writer has a custom templates feature (Github). Ideally, I would like a custom template that reflects my Word house style and allows me to expert directly to it. It is nothing too sophisticated; 3 heading levels, outlined numbered paragraphs, 1.5 line spacing etc.
The HMTL/CSS coding required is beyond my skills. Can MPU recommend any coder or the best platform on which to secure the services of one? I am willing to pay a decent fee for what I anticipate is a relatively straightforward task that would take a few hours.
Dev here. If you posted a Word document here with the required formatting, I would be willing to give it a go free of charge. Haven’t made iA Writer templates specifically but looking through their documentation I don’t think it would be too difficult. May be a slight delay as I have other obligations though.
It sounds to me that Marked2 by Brett Terpstra will serve you well.
There is a free downlod to try out and a number of pre-written CSS templates are on place.
I use it to change markdown files into various ready to print formats. It is possible to download CSS provided by other people to natch yor particular needs. https://marked2app.com/
Question, why would one want to use a stand alone previewer/exporter (assuming I understand the app correctly) along with an editor rather than an “all in one” like iA Writer? That is an honest question, not a rhetorical one.
Lots of built-in style sheets to choose from. Excellent selection of file formats to which to export. Lots of other little niceties that editors never even consider offering.
The standalone previewer-exporter is by no means unique in this ability. I use it as a part of severakl processes, an with a little bit of tweaking, can create word documents which reflect various ‘house’ styles needed in my work.
Not being familiar with iAWriter for many years I cannot comment further. Karlnyhus i think says it all. Good luck with finding an answer which costs as little to use.
I have tried to get my head around using pandoc in a routine straightforward way but the challenge facing TGoo3e was dealing with CSS which IMHO is much easier than setting up or using pandoc. Any use of a terminal command gets a bit scary for me.
I have tried Marked 2 on and off over the years. I find it next to useless. It is difficult to configure and often simple Markdown syntax simply does not work.
I don’t know what is wrong with your setup, but I have had nothing like your experience. I find Marked 2 to be a useful and performant app.
What is your setup for using and displaying Markdown-formatted text apart from the Marked 2 app?
Are you using an oddball implementation of Markdown?
Perhaps some screenshots of your raw and display Markdown would help us see where you are going wrong.
Marked 2 is a very configurable app. Have you consulted the documentation? You might want to contact the dev, Brett Terpstra, who is a smart, helpful, guy.