iCloud SMTP server down?

I am having trouble with my trusty iCloud email account.
For a while I occasinally on my iPhone receive the message “Cannot send email user name and password” is incorrect. Witch is not true! I am able ot receive email and can log into my iCloud account with the same user ID and Password.
Untill now I have blamed it on a poor internet connection.

However today the Mail app on my MB Pro started to act up. Turns out the outgoing mail server is off line.

I have reset my password, removed the iCloud account form iPhone and MB Pro. Deleted the Mail app database, restarted the units etc etc to no avail.

When I ping the outgoing mail server or the IP address associated with that I receive no reply.

This is happening at at two different locations both using the same ISP (Cox)

Anyone else having trouble with the outgoing mail on iCloud?

You can always check https://www.apple.com/support/systemstatus/

Looks fine at the moment

I did can you ping:


Or one or both of these ip addresses?,

None of the three are responding for me, using iSat as ISP in South Africa, and same result using VPN from southern California.

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I just spend a long time with Apple support and learned that there are issues with iCloud but they haven’t updates the website yet…:face_with_symbols_over_mouth: