If I could find a solution to this I'd use DEVONthing for all work notes

Thanks for the suggestion.

Yes, and I’ve done that, which, begs the question, why not just keep the notes in Apple Notes? Unless/until DT improves DTTG, this may be what I continue doing and then on a monthly basis use the Exporter app to export and archive my notes in DT as markdown files. Ideally, I could just use DT and DTTG to take notes, annotate PDFs, capture and store files, web content, etc., without the work around. DT is so close … :slight_smile:

Because by putting the documents into DEVONthink you can organise them, secure them, search for them, etc. DEVONthink built to enable using external tools of preference!

You are over-thinking, IMHO. :wink:

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Yep. Totally agree that it doesn’t play well with others.

I’m becoming increasingly happy that, within Evernote, I can get done nearly all that I would want this kind of content. I was being pretty cheeky though, as I do see that it doesn’t meet Bmosbacker’s requirements.

We’ve got lots of smart people here - who wants to build the .singlefile app? Surely someone’s got the spare time :rofl:

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Who, me? Overthink? Never! :rofl:

I agree actually. I was just trying to avoid extra steps. :grinning:

My hunch is more steps can be eliminated if you avoid having to walk to and from the meeting. :wink:

Unless Zoom of course.

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Even better, I’ll have me EA handle the meetings for me! :grinning:

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You can open documents stored in DTTG on your iPad. To do so, you need to enable the desired DTTG databases as a location in the Files app.

Most of my note files are stored in iCloud and indexed by DT, making it easy to open and create Markdown notes on my iPad that will get indexed by DT later. I tend to use iA Writer for note taking/editing. However, I rarely use MultiMarkdown tables, and when I do, I don’t create them on my iPad, so YMMV.

I think we’re talking about different capabilities. iA Writer has the ability to add entire folders of files to its library, but this feature only works with iCloud Drive and Working Copy. DEVONthink hasn’t implemented the necessary APIs!

Yes, I think you’re right. Thanks for clarification.

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