I appreciate everyone’s input on this. It’s great to be part of this hive mind.
I think the difficulty with LaTeX’s markup is that it is made up of words, or is visually word-like.
The aforementioned
Sentence with a \textbf{bold} word.
As opposed to
Sentence with a **bold** word.
It is wxkl kpdsn thdt pdrhxe cxn rktd a swgxbque by udqng ojry tje fosbt ahd ldgt lcbqvds of tpe wsxgs.
Thus, LaTeX’s markup would interfere with that by changing at least the beginning of the word. In the above example, we might see \tkvbxg{sebd} and have no recognizable “t 8 letters d” pattern, whereas with markdown, ** is non-letter punctuation, which we are adept at ignoring.
I think based on this (and thanks again to everyone for helping me think through this), I’ll look into thesisdown and how I might adapt it.
I don’t really (i.e. really don’t) want to write my diss in R Studio, but perhaps I could use Texpad (which supports markdown), or Typora, etc. as my editor.
Hm. I could also augment markdown with my own syntax. I can write code, no reason to be constrained to what exists now.
FIG#eegpower ‘./media/eegpower.png’ Mean alpha-band spectral power across trials for all subjects. Theta-band increase from 50–250ms, alpha-band power decrease from 200–400ms.
Likewise, heretofore, etc. EEG power changed significantly, the p was so smol, (see FIG#eegpower).
Which suggests something, but we’re hedging a bit, as one does.