This is, and always was going to be, a slow transition. For projects that started in DevonThink, I am continuing to work on them in DT.
But I’m spending most of my time outside DT now.
I do most of my work in Markdown and Word. For the Markdown part of that, I started with Obsidian, and got tired of its non-Mac quirks. It’s a great app for many people, but perhaps not for me. I put it aside.
I’m now using NVultra for my markdown editor. It’s got a lot going for it, but it’s confusing, particularly the document and folder navigation. I also looked at FSNotes, and even Ulysses. But I’d rather stick with standard document formats stored in the Documents folder of the Finder.
For navigation: The good old Finder. Also, I’ve re-installed Default Folder X, and I’ll see if that’s useful.
I’m using NotePlan for a task manager, trying it out as a possible replacement for Things. I like the idea of making freeform lists, rather than having structure imposed on me. Noteplan seems to strike the right balance between a structured task manager and a plain old text file.
The app I’m really excited about is Hook. I’ve played with that a couple of times over the last year, but it clicked for me last week. Part of my responsibility is writing the text of a weekly newsletter. I need to refer back and forth between a dozen or more Word documents and web pages while composing in Word. Hook is GREAT for that – it effectively puts a dropdown menu of all the source documents on top of my working Word document.
Hook seems to potentially bring the main benefits of Obsidian or Roam into the Finder. Neat!
Additionally, I expect that I’ll be using a hybrid system of the Finder and DevonThink for months, and Hook will enable me to put links to DevonThink documents and groups into the Finder.
I’m still using DT to archive Web pages and selected emails. I’m not making a priority out of finding a replacement for that.