I'm going to try quitting DevonThink

same, ended using apple notes on all my devices and it is working fine

Why OneDrive rather than iCloud? Or Dropbox or some other alternative?

I’m guessing it’s a work thing.

Do you use one giant attachments folder or multiple?

Well, dropbox 2tb family sharing plan is £13.99 /month. Office 365 for family costs £50-60 /year and that gets each family member 1TB OneDrive space (so up to 6 family members 6tb) on top of the office apps and other benefits.
So financially it makes much more sense in my use.


In Obsidian I have one sigle attachments folder at this time. I also do not keep PFDs in Obsidian. I am exploring linking PDF files in Pbsidian via Sym links or something similar.

IIRC you do not store Office documents in Obsidian? Only PDFs, plain text (of course) and maybe audio, video, and images–in other words, supported file types?

What advantage do you see in using symlinks?

I brought up a related issue on the Obsidian forum. It’s a perennial concern for me, since I started messing around with Obsidian.

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I’m exploring sym links so i don’t have to actually inlcude those file types into my Obsidian vault. I’m ok with the requested media not working if I’m out of my home space.

For PDFs they are mostly already stored on my server as part of a Zotero indexed/referenced folder. Likewise my original image filesare on my server and cataloged by LightRoom. I’d rather not have 2 copies of thos emedia around but want Obsidian to reference the stored copy.

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This was a bit of a dealbreaker for Obsidian for me. I don’t just use markdown, and having Office and IThoughts files separated outside the vault when they relate to a project or activity caused overhead. Including them in the vault made limited sense when Obsidian didn’t handle them or search them.

Hook is a possible solution, including links directly to the documents in your MoC without having to import them into the vault. That works linking back to Zotero too.

I’ve ended up using EagleFiler to store all the different file types in a searchable vault. It provides previews of many document types, something unlikely to come to Obsidian as it is not Mac native and therefore doesn’t use the QuickLook functionality. Lack of in built markdown support is the biggest weakness, but opening a file in another editor is fine. It’s not perfect, but better.

I include other file types in the Obsidian vault–mostly Microsoft Office documents. Obsidian can link to them and the MacOS/iOS/iPadOS can open and preview them. It has been working well for me in my on-and-off Obsidian usage for the past 1.5 years, which has been on for the last several months.

The Obsidian forum thread I mentioned earlier is going deep. You might find it useful.