I'm going to try quitting DevonThink

You can have your cake and eat it too.

Obsidian for notes, DT for storage.
DT can also index you Obsidian notes so it’s like they are “in” DT too.


This does really worry me too. I am so close to going all in on DT as my paperless cabinet but missing files would make this pointless. Yes I can use finder but I want t be able to access the data on any device… iCloud could work. Dropbox may be better but is expensive for my needs… any suggestions anyone?

I like to keep everything for a project in one place. How can I do that if I’m using both Obsidian and DevonThink?

There is a lot to like in Obsidian. It is a great app. But it may not be an app that suits my needs.

I didn’t like doing markdown notes in DT and that’s a big part of why I dumped it about a year ago. But they have since added WYSIWIG to the markdown editor and now it is very nice.

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If you index your Obsidian vault folder in DEVONthink, both apps work well together. Some features are exclusive to one or the other obviously, but there aren’t any conflicts that cause problems.


Right now I keep all my documents and notes for an individual project in a single group in DevonThink. How can I do that while also using Obsidian?

I’ve got all sorts of files and notes in Obsidian now. I still have a large not in Obsidian file system of folders but I’m finding the ease of transcluding files in Obsidian means I including many more of them in my Obsidian vault.

I create a note with the links to the files as my “Folder” so I don’t cre where they are re ally located the MOC or Index note keeps them all together.


I had some sync issues with DT between my Mac and iPad, and tend to use native apps for editing due to the limitations of the built-in editors, so I’m seeing what it’s like just going back to Finder.

So far I’m using iCloud to sync, which works well most of the time (and, importantly, it’s easy to find the status of the sync when it stops). I’m using Typora for editing markdown on the Mac, together with Word and MindNode. The little utility “New File Menu” is great, letting me quickly create files of any type from a template. I’m using that all the time.

Backing up is easy since they’re just filesystem files and there’s no database.

I haven’t really got into advanced searching yet, but wonder if Alfred would be good for searching filenames and contents - any suggestions?

This is not having a go at DT - it is a powerful tool - but I don’t know if I need it.

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Maybe use a folder for each project in Obsidian, then index the folder in DT, putting it in the relevant group?

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That implies it should support PDFs, Office files and other things. Were those features promised somewhere by the developers? I don’t think so, but maybe I missed that chapter.

I used that a lot before my workflow for text files (Markdown) became (1) trigger macro to copy text to new Byword file and (2) save file so it ends up in EagleFiler app.

I was going to mention DEVONsphere, but see that I mentioned it last December. Oh well, been awhile, why not…

DEVONsphere lets you discover the hidden connections between seemingly unrelated items. Whatever you are currently doing on your Mac, reach out to DEVONsphere in the menu bar to see related items on your computer or on the web. Explore further. Rinse and repeat.

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I did something like that when I was deep into Obsidian. But I found one big obstacle–Obsidian can’t be set to sort folders by recency, which is how my brain is wired.

In the Finder or Obsidian, I can sort folders and documents by recency, and whatever I’m working on currently just naturally floats to the top.


Absolutely they were not promised by the developers, and I never suggested they were.

However, these are reasons why I ended up finding Obsidian difficult to adapt to my workflow.

Obsidain a great app for those who need or want something that does what Obsidian is good at.

And I may go back to Obsidian. I do tend to like to change things up every nine months or so.

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Hm. Well if you used @OogieM 's suggestion of index notes, then those could be sorted by recency.

Too bad folders don’t have the same option.

(Not trying to coax you back, just thinking out loud.)

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um… You can just use an appropriate filename like mt typinator shortcut that puts in the date in my preferred format (yyyy-mm-yy_) and so can be the start of every obsidian folder you create and they sort automagicially

Office FileNO but it handle PDF’s exceedingly well right now

Except that’s most recently created, but not most recently edited. That is my understanding of Mitch’s need. The one he just worked on on top.

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Your understanding is correct, John.

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I left DEVONthink a few months ago after being unable to get databases not to corrupt and fail to sync with mobile (critical use case for me). I ended up putting everything in Microsoft OneDrive. Finder folder support plus I can tell OneDrive to free up space, so everything is indexed locally but space is not taken up. Mobile client is first rate and sync is really fast. And about to buy Abby FineReader on sale.