Impossibly Tiny Text! 🔎

I just purchased a new Samsung external SSD for one series of my backups.

Before formatting the drive, I decided to read the instructions to avoid mistakes. It was impossible. The text is so tiny that even if one had 20/20 vision, it would be impossible to read. Why do manufacturers even bother? I always end up downloading user manuals from the manufacturer’s website.

I understand that manufacturers package their products in small packages for cost and environmental reasons, which I fully support. But if the manual font is so tiny that one cannot read it, why not provide a QR code to download it and save the paper required to print a useless manual?

Now, that is off my chest; I feel better. :grinning:

You probably don’t need a manual for it anyway. I would say just delete any of the crappy software they put on it because it is probably for Windows anyway, but I recently saw a thing that said Samsungs SSD management software is really good (but that software might only be for M.2 drives?)

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To save money? Jet fuel is expensive and if Samsung is still shipping by air a larger manual might add a cent or more to the cost to ship it.

One airline said they could save fuel and drive down their carbon footprint by some 4.2 tons per month by having passengers relieve themselves before boarding the plane. :rofl:

by having passengers relieve themselves before boarding the plane. :rofl:

So now I have to feel guilty if I use the bathroom on my flight? :joy:

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I’ve found the Magnifier on an iPhone is useful for this.

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Yes, it is but not ideal for reading several pages at one time. I have found it’s easier to download the manual from the web and use my PDF reader. That works well.

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“Who is going to use the phone as a magnifier lens, ha! This is a curious novelty. Wonder why they put that in Control Center”. That was me, ten years ago.

Now I use it almost daily.

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I occasionally use the magnifier to read a label but still, why ship a user manual with font so tiny that few people can read it even with 20/20 vision? I think my idea of a QR code is a good one, if I say so myself. :joy:

I think it’s a combination of regulation (“the user manual should state this and this”) and small packaging. With medicines it becomes absurd. Here’s thanking the online vademecums!

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That is a new word for me, I had to look it up! :slightly_smiling_face:

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I relate to this so much. :rofl:

MacroMode for iOS; I use it all the time for taking photographs of the impossibly small and very low contrast HP laptop model and serial numbers. Then I can use LiveText to copy the information off so I can order parts.

Translated “go with me”: that sounds like my planner book…

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Guess the name comes from the pocket formularies that old physicians used to carry along in the day.

It is written by 23 year olds with 20/15 vision.

Actually, whenever I get something new, I download all of the available support materials and file them.

That’s what I’ve been doing. :slightly_smiling_face: