My ScanSnap S1300 is a work horse. But in Fall of 2019, it will [or need to be replaced]. You know the 32 vs. 64 problem. Now for the question.
Background. I scan about 4-6 times a week. I am running Mojave 10.14.5 using SnapScan S1300 purchased 2012. . This works, but the pages come out out in a random order. For example, page 5, page 1, page 3, page 4 and and page 2. The scans are good … IE OCR is good.
Now the the question. Has anyone tried a scanner on the next version of macOS?.
A possible solution would be:
By a new MacBook Pro or Mac-Mini. Do not do the trade in, keep the old MacBook Pro with the attached to the scanner. I want to purchase a new system for the needed speed
I have used the SCAN+ and send the PDFs to the icloud and let Hazel to do her magic. That works but too many steps.
I might be misunderstanding, so please accept my apologies if I’m over-simplifying. Any reason not to go with a newer ScanSnap? I have an S1500 at work and an iX500 at home and they both run beautifully. The newer ScanSnap Home software runs 64-bit. I typically scan right into DevonThink and the integrated OCR has been running fine for me… Good luck!
I am more than a little disappointed in Fujitsu for not supporting their older scanners. I have a 1500 and a 1100 for travel. Not immediately worried about Catalina as I’m stuck in High Sierra due to old hardware. Will probably get a new Mac next year and will need some way to scan when I do. How long before Fujitsu deprecates any new scanner I buy?
As noted in another thread, I tried the IX1500, and while it works well on my local Mac, the cloud feature is very disappointing. So if you have any hopes of direct to cloud scanning, I would go in a different direction.
Late to the party answering but I’ve been really happy with my Brother ADS-1000W scanner that replaced my ScanSnap500M. Inexpensive and the SW works nicely once I figured out how to set up the places to store scans like I prefer. I especially like that I can name the files before scanning as I set the scan type up. That saves me a lot of time later.
I just downloaded this and it definitely works. I’m still tweaking settings to get a nice scan though. It really likes to give me crooked scans that ScanSnap was always able to fix…