Intel Mini shuts down after restart since Ventura

Since Ventura, some strange behaviors. Primarily after a reboot or power up, the mini shuts down (100% off) if the someone does not sign in an account in about 5 or less minutes.

Tried everything from pram and usual suspects, command lines to schedule start ups. Add if sleep is confused with power down. Most noticeable after a reboot. Mini shuts down Other times which appear to need consistent with expected alert behavior. Yes, think all Ventura settings are as needed.

Apple L2 support these days do not know much of anything beyond reading faqs and chats…a mess.

Do you have FileVault 2 enabled? If so, it might be normal behavior. The Mac shuts down, if nobody unlocks the FileVault encrypted drive within 5 minutes after initiating a reboot or power up.

If you want to circumvent this doing a reboot:

There is no way to circumvent this if you are powering your Mac on as far as I know, if FileVault is enabled…

There are users who say that they never have experienced this. I have. For years. The only solution I am aware of is to disable FileVault or to enter your credentials within 5 minutes after powering your Mac on. Apparently it is a feature, not a bug. :wink:

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I just lock in one time after the reboot, and then the system reacts as I told it within the preferences.

Thank you for the validation. This is mainly when traveling so if there is a reboot, the ability to still login.

It seems as though I need an insecure terminal (ie Mac with no file vault and auto-login) for this (access home desktop Mac while traveling after reboot) to work.

Overkill to have two minis, one insecure and one secure - thinking the insecure for remote access and then use that to remote into secure desktop …but nope it too would not survive a reboot after 5 minutes.

Frustrated that it appears security must be dismissed to access remote terminus at will,…and no options for both secure Mac which can be accessed remotely after a reboot.

This would be someone what passable, presuming no power outage. Something seemed to change in Ventura and tempting back to make isn’t working like it used to. I have Jump, Remotix and others - all went smoothly and alone seems in need to be logge in and active before the vnc/remote apps allow or recognize connection.