Intel Strikes Back

They’ll need to be able to outpace AMD first. :laughing:


Is Intel having second thoughts?

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Intel just partnered with us (IBM) and - not being in that part of the business - goodness only knows what we’re getting out of it.

Intel is acting very weird.

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Could somebody please tell me why Intel thought that using a stock image was a good idea?

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Well, Intel is back at it again!

Oh, man! It’s so cringing. Like seriously. Lol the best comment "This is why AMD’s advertising budget is so low, there’s no need when Intel does it for them!! " :smiley:

But seriously, I feel companies should focus on building great products and not get into ad-wars like this. Save money for other things. Over the long run, customers come in for product quality, not ad quality

You’re so right. But I do enjoy a good ad war if it is done well. For example, “I’m a Mac” and “I’m a PC” was fantastic. And still is.

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