Introducing More Power Users

I had prepared an answer, but I think you already have received a better one by @ismh.

So, let me just express how I personally feel about More Power Users as you have addressed my previous post:

I do not have issues with anything Stephen or David have said or written regarding this new option. And I am under the impression that they have said and written a lot - even more than I would have done if I was in their shoes because I definitely would not have been comfortable sharing as much as they already have done about the financial situation. So, I totally get why they have not shared even moreā€¦

More Power Users is a new way to support the podcast if you like to do so. As an incentive you get a version without adverts and with bonus content when subscribing to this new option. The MPU with adverts will not got anywhere. And thatā€™s it. :slight_smile:

For the time being, I have decided not to subscribe to the More Power Users because I already do support some other podcasts and there is only so much money to be spent. I might change this decision in the future, but not as of now.

Which is totally cool! We donā€™t want anyone to feel bad for not supporting! We arenā€™t going anywhere! How many exclamation points can I use?!

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the maximum number allowed is three :wink:


Huh? I feel Iā€™ve given you the benefit of the doubt here with my queries.

Itā€™s like thereā€™s a lot of feedback from some of us listeners stating that weā€™re feeling uncomfortable with this appeal ā€”Iā€™m leaving the business model aside from my commentsā€”and weā€™re seeking some empathy and understanding from you guys. Instead, weā€™re getting chastised here.

Let me say, you and David offer tremendous value here with MPU. I want you to succeed and your families to prosper. I respect your intent on this; Iā€™m wondering if youā€™re respecting the impact itā€™s having on your audience?

I was wanting to be addressed by this appealā€”especially the language in this banner, my explicit concern that has not been addressedā€”in a way that does not merely rest on a common sense of loss.

Message received: things are not so dramatic. Chill. Youā€™re concerned. Youā€™re doing you best. Got it. I respect that.

Iā€™m wondering if you get my perspective, too? Calling general revenue lossā€”which is serious, to be sureā€”a ā€œcasualtyā€ of COVID-19 feels overly dramatic, a touch insensitive, and somewhat hard to parse with the other sentiments expressed here.

I think the timing of the voluntary subscription was bad. COVID-19 for sure prompted the hosts to do so. But if it was in the works, a heads up much earlier, would have gone more positively with the group. Again I look forward to hearing the podcast every week. I appreciate the immense amount of work the hosts do in the background to get them for the community. So I just subscribed immediately as a token of my appreciation. I have a feeling that most users feel guilty of not being able to subscribe with this COIVD-19 pandemic. This could be the reason users are asking for more transparency to justify if they can really subscribe if the podcast is in dire conditions. My 02 cents :slight_smile:

I didnā€™t mean to chastise. I just donā€™t know how I better explain it without getting into specifics about my business that Iā€™m not going to share in public. Iā€™m sorry if I was harsh, but I feel like weā€™re just talking in circles.

The banner language was true, as it the face that we have been talking about doing this, and the pandemicā€™s effect on the business prompted us to finally get it up and running. Myke and I would like Relay FM (and all of our shows) to keep providing for the huge number of people it supports, and this is a big step to diversifying our efforts to do that.

We know itā€™s a hard time for everyone, which is why we honestly donā€™t want anyone to feel bad about not supporting ā€” and why we arenā€™t moving any content behind a paywall. Membership content is all extra stuff that would not be in the show otherwise. That works for some folks, and not for others, just like every other content or product out there.


Thanks for you response, @ismh, and for engaging my concerns. I respect that. I feel Iā€™ve said what I need to say and I have a clearer sense of where our intentions and impacts are, and are not, syncing. Thanks for sticking with the conversation. :v:

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Iā€™m sorry youā€™re dealing with this. This whole thread is ridiculous in my mind. There is a such thing as a bad customer, and sometimes they need to be fired. Youā€™re a better man than me for answering these questions. Cheers!