iOS 12 Multiple Keyboards Conundrum

IPad 10.5 — I routinely use four keyboards

  1. Stock iOS
  2. Google
  3. PadKeys
  4. Logitech K811

Google fast swipe, K811 fast input, Stock and PadKeys for editing words and markup. In iOS 11 switching between keyboards occasionally resulted in lockup. In iOS 12 glitches galore vanishing keyboards, lockups in Ulysses, Forums, and Drafts, dictation reluctance.

I jog stuff around and get going again.

Am I a Lone Ranger here… Are you experiencing similar glitches?

The screenshot shows a frozen space on the iPad’s screen. My aim is to be able to switch freely between keyboards. If this is a system problem I’ll simplify my writing editing sequences.


I use six (stock in two languages, emoji, textexpander, word flow (discontinued but still works fine) and copied) all with no problems on iPad and iPhone on ios 12. So I’d guess it’s an issue with one of your particular keyboards, not a system issue.


I have read (via Google) that iOS 11 keyboard switching difficulties are a known issue. Hoping in a way that the problem is mine. I can “fix it” more easily.

Edit to add

I cured one conundrum opened my keyboard’s case and turned the fool thing off. Scratch the screenshot… oh well🙄