iOS app to Chat with AI via API?


On MacOS, I use MindMac and MacGPT.

MindMac allows me to chat to OpenAI and Calud via API.

Is there a similar app for iOS? Has anyone used Pal Chat?

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I’ve used Pal. It works well enough and does what you’re looking for. The developer frequently updates it with additional functionality and support for new platforms as they come out.

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Maybe check out bots in Telegram?

That app has a bunch of features I never use - and I’ve barely scratched the surface when it comes to bots. But I do use it as my main chat app for friends and family, simply because it’s way better than things like iMessage and Messenger - which is the big one here in Norway, for some reason. :man_shrugging:t2: (Choosing chat app based on features and quality is a crazy thought, though - I know! Lock-in is brutal… But that’s a separate issue!)

So, yeah - you would get really solid UX, which is available on all platforms if you want to check your logs and such.

This one seems pretty good. :point_down:t2: If you want to, you can also fire up your own if you don’t want to use theirs. Creating bots takes like five minutes on Telegram.


  • Low latency replies (it usually takes about 3-5 seconds)
  • No request limits
  • Message streaming (watch demo)
  • GPT-4 and GPT-4 Turbo support
  • GPT-4 Vision support
  • Group Chat support (/help_group_chat to get instructions)
  • DALLE 2 (choose :woman_artist: Artist mode to generate images)
  • Voice message recognition
  • Code highlighting
    *> 15 special chat modes: :woman_student:t3: Assistant, :woman_technologist:t3: Code Assistant, :woman_artist: Artist, :brain: Psychologist, :rocket: Elon Musk and other. You can easily create your own chat modes by editing config/chat_modes.yml
  • Support of ChatGPT API
  • List of allowed Telegram users
  • Track $ balance spent on OpenAI API

I’ve tested Dola AI a bit, which is a calendar bot with chatting capabilities as well.

And here’s a channel that makes and links to a bunch of bots, including one for Gemini.

Something to consider! Very quick to test at least. :slight_smile:

Currently, I just use ChatGPT plus. I’ve been thinking of switching to Typing Mind and using API’s. A lot of people on Reddit seem to like that app.

Try MindMac. Looks a lot cleaner than TypingMind. You can also save your conversations into folders.

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Does it work on iOS though?

The reason I’ve stuck with ChatGPT plus is I like the iOS app and the ability to have a conversation with it.

TypingMind is on Setapp.

Thank you for mentioning Pal – I haven’t heard of that one before but it seems to support all the major APIs and the app is free so I’ll play with it. It is really difficult to find a good AI app for iOS in a sea of junk that was produced and put up on store in the early days of the gold rush.

It’s not free (there’s a lifetime unlock if you’re using your own API key), but Lori looks good, is regularly updated, and supports iCloud sync and Siri integration. It only supports OpenAI though.