Looking for some help everyone. I just just received a refurbished M1 MacBook Pro from Apple today. I am trying to download an IOS app that I have previously downloaded on my iPad and iPhone. Before I ordered this MacBook I made sure the app would work on a friend’s M1 MacBook Air because it is critical to my workflow. When I open the App Store and click the cloud icon on the app to download, it spins for a couple of seconds then the cloud icon pops right back up like I never clicked it. As a matter of fact, I cannot download any iOS Apps on this machine. I have tried signing out and back in to the App Store. I have restarted. I have even tried signing into the App Store with my wife’s account and still the same behavior. I have also signed completely out of iCloud, restarted, and tried again. Has anyone else had any issues with this at all? Can anyone offer a solution?
Do Mac apps install from the Mac App Store on this computer?
is the app currently downloaded on your iPhone/iPad?
I’ve read somewhere there might be some issue downloading to a M1 mac if they aren’t.
(desperately trying to find the article, will add if I can find it)
It is. I use it regularly on my phone and iPad. Actually no iOS apps will download at all. They all do the same thing.
That is really, really strange! Will dig some more…
Thank you. Im still doing the same. I’ve dug through YouTube and Google and cannot find anyone else with this issue. I love this machine otherwise!
I am not sure if it’s the same problem or not. But some developers choose not to offer iOS apps on Mac M1.
I have seen that too. But in this case all the apps I have tried to download are eligible but just won’t download. I just sat on Chat with Apple Support and they are baffled. I’m doing a quick OS update then going to try with it in safe mode. I think the next step after that will be nuke and pave.
Just an update. Apple Support put me through everything they could. The last step was was a little update from 11.2.1 to 11.2.2 and then restarting in Safe Mode. Absolutely no help. Looking like a full “nuke and pave” later tonight when I get home. Nothing thrills me more than having to do that on a brand new machine I took out of the box less than a day ago. We will see if that fixes the issue.
Just an update for anyone interested. Been through a whirlwind weekend. I came home Friday night and wiped the hard drive, then reinstalled MacOS. But as I was setting back up and creating my user profile, the MacBook got hung up on this step. Did some research online and apparently this can be a common problem and the solution is to use a program apple puts out called “Configurator 2” in the Mac App Store that is used to revive iOS devices. Not going into depth but here is the article I found with links to Readdit and Apple: How to factory reset and restore an Apple Silicon M1 Mac - CNET
Apparently, because of the M1 architecture having roots in iPhone/iPad chipsets, 'this is the way." Tried this three times and it failed each time leaving me unable to complete set up. Each time I wiped the drive, reinstalled MacOS, and tried to go through the setup process as instructed before running Configurator 2 and it failed on the final step each time. Then we went out of town for a couple of days so just now getting home to work on it more. Trying one last time to wipe, reinstall, and then run Configurator before starting the setup process. After this, im done and it goes back to Apple. I didn’t think I mentioned this before but this is a refurbished machine straight from Apple. Maybe that has something to do with it? Either way I am highly disappointed in this whole process and frankly it is a bit scary that these M1 machines can be bricked this way. Luckily we are multi Mac family. What does someone do who doesn’t have an old Intel Mac laying around to “revive/jumpstart” an M1 Mac?