iOS File Manager + .rsls file extension

Hello everyone,

It appears as though the native iOS Files app doesn’t recognize the file extension .rsls. Anyone know of a setting or way to change this?

.rsls is a file extension from Reslio Sync, used as a simlink (placeholder) for selective sync (based on Reactis.) Placeholder is there to see it (using Resilio Sync) so if you want the actual file, tap to download. Issue is that iOS Files app doesn’t seem to see or regonize .rlsl, so if navigating using Files, you do not see directories unless a file was downloaded to mobile device first. Would like Files app to see directories and file name placeholders the same as Resilio Sync.

Try setting up your own File Association. Explained numerous places, including:

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iOS (MacOS works as expected)

When you navigate the target directory from an iOS device using iOS Files app, Files doesn’t see anything unless/until a file has been downloaded locally.

It’s been a while since I tried this as I don’t use Resilio on my iOS devices anymore, but I think you have to view the folder in Resilio first and then download the file from there and I don’t think it’ll work via the Files folder.

If I download a file to iPhone (through RS,) Files will then see that file and its associated directories. Otherwise, blank.

I create an iOS shortcut to take me to server directories…which works as expected using Files, Owl Files and File Browser Pro. That said CAN’T seem to get it working w/Resilio Sync.

Resilio Sync deeper links not honored and the blasted forced choice for Choose the action Add to Folder or Share public link. Tired a number of file types including path, and variables yet nothing working.

SO - think the only way to get the shortcuts working as needed is to find a way for Files app to see RSLS simlinks. Shame because this would be such a huge time saver.